


  1. 獻給開門第一篇
    Water, va pensiero

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  2. 真是心有靈犀到處通。。。

    There goes my father
    He's looking at the sky
    He heard of some travellers
    Who make their dreams fly
    I looked into his eyes
    And saw a river deep and wide
    He said

    I will meet you at the water
    At the water we'll see each other

    Va pensiero sull'ali dorate
    Va ti posa sui clivi sui colli
    Ove olezzano tepide e molli
    L'aure dolci del suolo natal

    I will meet you at the water
    At the water we'll see each other

    Oh mia patria si bella e perduta
    Oh membranza si cara e fatal

    I see my brother
    I looked into his eyes and saw a river deep and wide
    He said

    I will meet you at the water
    At the water we'll see each other

    O t'ispiri il signore un concento
    Che ne infonda al patire virtu
    (Che ne infonda al patire virtu)

    In the water we'll see each other
    In the water we see each other

    Sometimes I wonder when they're gonna be free
    I'm waiting for the moment when the waters flow through me
    I see the many people who have been here before me
    They're waiting for the moment when they're gonna be free

  3. 哈,如果有記放水燈或盂蘭盆節的文章,放那兒可能更合適?
    其實我主要的感受是來自"Va' Pensiero"這首曲子,

    Va' Pensiero
    From the Opera "Nabucco" by Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)

    Verdi's first successful opera, Nabucco (Nebuchadnezzar), was written in 1842. It relates the Biblical story of the captivity of the Hebrews in Babylon in the 6th century B.C.

    In the opera, the chorus "Va, pensiero" (a paraphrase of Psalm 137) is sung by the exiles on the banks of the Euphrates, lamenting the loss of their homeland.


    Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate; Go, my thoughts on golden wings;
    Va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli Go, settle on the cliffs and hills
    Ove olezzano tepide e molli, Where the sweet breezes bring
    L'aure dolci del suolo natal! The warm, soft fragrances of your native land
    Del Giordano le rive saluta, From Jordan, the river of salvation, and
    Di Sionne le torri atterrate. From the desolate towers of Zion.
    Oh, mia patrie si bella e perduta! Oh my fatherland so beautiful and lost!
    Oh, Membrenza si cara e fatal! Oh remembrances, so dear and so deadly
    Arpa d'or del fatidici vati, Golden Harps of our prophets and poets,
    Perch?muta dal salice pendi? Why have you changed into weeping willows?
    Le memorie nel petto raccendi, The battered memory in my heart
    Chi favella del tempo che fu! Which speaks of the time which was!
    O simile di Solima ai fati Either like Solomon to the fates
    Traggi un suono di crudo lamento, You present a sound of crude lament,
    O t'ispiri il Signore un concento Or the Lord inspires in you a song
    Che ne infonda al patire virtu! Which takes courage into the depths.

    This eclectic and extremely touching piece from Giuseppe Verdi has been stylized and performed by a multitude of amazing singers and Professional Choirs, in styles ranging from pop to opera.

    More information
    Late in the 1800's, Austria occupied Northern Italy, Lombardy specifically. They apparently understood little as they were bemused by the pre-occupation Italians had with music, in particular Verdi's 'Va Pensiero'. They thought is was quaint and did not attach much importance to it at the time.
    On the streets, the walls, they would find scrawled or painted the word VERDI. And so they thought everyone was in love with the composer. In fact, that word was a call to nationhood and spoke to Italian patriotism, but perhaps more to Lombardy re-unification. Because it was not just the song - it was because the name of Verdi was also an acronym for Vittorio Emmanuele Re d'Italia. (Vittorio Emmanuele, King of Italy).

    Special thanks to Historian Marzio Apolloni for this intriguing information.


  4. 對喔~ 有些傳統節慶還真不知道放哪裡?

    wow~ 上了一節歷史課。

  5. 我記得以前曾看過一部迷你影集,是在說奧匈帝國末代王妃Sisi(1837-1898)的故事,其中有一幕就是皇室成員去Lombardy的歌劇院欣賞演出時,被全場觀眾起立高唱"Va' pensiero"羞辱,很震撼,留給我很深的印象.





